Sunday, October 10, 2010

Custom Color Conditioner...FREE!

Don't you just love the way your hair looks when you first get it colored at the salon?  So fresh and shiny.  Love that!  

What if I told you I could help you keep that fresh look and minimize the "brassy" or "yellow-y" tint that seems to creep up on your hair somewhere between week 3 and the next time you find your way to my salon chair?

4oz Custom Color Conditioner Bottle
(shown empty)
Welcome Custom Color Conditioner!  This isn't a new product or theory but one that I think needs to make a comeback.  

"Color" shampoos and/or conditioners have gotten a bad rap over the years mainly because we've all seen the LOLs (little old ladies, bless their hearts) walking around with a blue or pink cast on their silvery, white hair. Yep, if you've seen that before you've witnessed someone overusing a "wash," as they used to call it, to cancel out unwanted pigments in their hair.  Most likely, they were given poor instructions and used the pigmented shampoo too often, therefore the purple effect.  

Definitely NO GOOD.

YOU are a heavily highlighted blonde whose hair tends to take on a yellowish hue. (By the way, this can happen for MANY reasons. ie: minerals in water, chlorine, product build up, sun, medication etc.)

WE create a custom conditioner for you that has just the right amount of purple pigment to cancel the yellow tones.  Use this once or twice a week (AT THE MOST!) and leave on for the amount of time it takes you to lather your body and shave your legs.  Rinse your hair, then rinse off the bottle so no pigmented conditioner gets on your white shower tiles.  :)

Same goes for you brunettes with red/orange undertones...we'll whip you up some Custom Color Conditioner with a shot of green or blue to help cancel that brassiness.  (I know those colors sound scary but really it's just color theory.)

That's it.  How about it?  Ready to try? 

Buy any full size conditioner at Studio 128 and if you fit the description, we'll make you your own 4oz Custom Color Conditioner FREE!

Oh, and if you are a skeptic and ask why we do this for you for FREE, then you haven't been coming to Studio 128 long enough to trust our genuineness.  But also we believe that if you hair color looks great, all the time, then you will be happy, and your hair will be happy.  Then, when people ask where you get your color done, you'll be happy to tell them.  :)  Happy, happy, happy!!  (as my day used to say.)


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