Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Post Pregnancy Hair Loss!

Often my clients who have been pregnant lament, "my hair was so thick and lush when I was pregnant because of the prenatal vitamins. Then I had the baby and it all fell out!"

I'm sure prenatal vitamins benefit your hair too but read on to get the real truth about that thick pregnancy hair and why it all fell out.

There are 3 phases of hair growth for your hair.  In a nut-shell:
Anagen:  the active growing phase of your hair.  The avg. person's head hair grows 1/2" per month.
Catagen: the "resting" phase which occurs for about 2-3 months.  The hair stops growing.
Telogen: the stage in which hair is shed, or falls out.  It is very normal to shed up to 100 hairs per day for a non-pregnant person.

TRUE:  during pregnancy your hair may appear thicker.  This is because higher hormone levels prevent normal hair loss.  Your hair tends to stay in the Catagen phase longer and fewer hairs fall out each day which cause your hair to seem thicker.

Once you have the baby, your body and hair will try to return to pre-pregnancy shape.  A few months after having the baby many women notice more hair falling out.  This is NORMAL and  happens because the Catagen (resting) phase shortens and the normal hair loss that was delayed by pregnancy tends to take place all at once.  If gobs of hair come out in the shower, know that it's just your hair trying to get back to it's normal growth cycle. While some of your hair is falling out, new hair is growing in.  See Katie Holmes below and this will all make sense.
The entire Holmes-Cruise family sported short 'dos at thier '06 wedding.
Check out Katie's baby bangs. (New growth where Telogen occurred.)
I cropped some bangs to hide the significant hair loss around my temples after baby #2.
Tawny (left) was preggers here, probably enjoying her thick, lush hair. :)
Some clients have chosen to cut their hair shorter, or add layers to increase fullness.  Others, like me, cut bangs to help disguise the "baby hairs" and hair loss around the face.  I have known clients whose hair is normally curly, go straight and straight haired clients go wavy or curly.  Hormones.  We can blame it on the hormones.  Luckily, there are beach waves and smoothing treatments, clip-in and permanent extensions, so a good remedy is at your nearest salon if you need it.  :)

Have patience, after a few months your hair will balance itself out. And If you are preggers now and loving your thick locks, just ENJOY them!